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PAUL 1.0.5

Download PurkdellApps Universal Launcher from (1.35 MB)
(md5: 5d1a1303a4b6a473fe0a40bc671b6541)

You can see the changelog in Other\Source\ChangeLog.


  1. First of all, nice work ;)
    Maybe you can make a small tutorial on how to use this kit.
    7-Zip as an example or something, since it uses the registry like many other programs.

    But it looks relatively easy to use, according to the script files, which is nice.
    Also you're planning to add more stuff to it, so I hope you are continue working on this package.

    1. 7-Zip store its settings in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\7-Zip, then the script should be like this:

      !macro Registry ;{{{1
      ${BackupKey} HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\7-Zip
      ${ReadRuntimeData} $0 RegistryKey FailedToRestoreKey
      ${If} $0 != true
      ${ExportKey} HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\7-Zip
      ${RestoreKey} HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\7-Zip

      but you need to add some additions like language handling, ....

    2. Any chance of getting a guide to working with PAUL? and a changelog when new things are being added/removed?

      Thanks in advance =D

    3. Probably, in the future. Not sure.
      And for the changelog: you can just read the NSI file.

      If you're great with NSIS, then it would be easy for you.
      First, you need to know what type of settings that is used by app, whether it registry or APPDATA.
      Second, write it in the AppNamePortable.nsi.
      Third, compile using PurkdellAppsCompiler.exe and you're done.

      Hint: download some of my portable app, and learn it.

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  2. create portable,free-torrent-download.html

  3. Hey Azure,

    how do you actually make a "setup extractor" and/or "online installer"? I really struggle to get something working. I played around with Notepad2-mod, but I had no luck with it so far.

    I can get a compile setup extractor, but when I select the setup file of Notepad2-mod, it just runs through it without actually doing something... Same with a zip file. Only the folder structure gets created.

    I guess uncommenting "!define SETUPEXTRACTOR" and "!define SETUPFILE" is not enough.

    So a little bit of hand-holding or a push in the right direction would be appreciated.

    1. Wait till I release Nitro Pro 10 Portable (setup extractor/online installer).

      The PAUL itself is still need to be updated, because some times I try to portablize a new app, a new circumstance occured. Thus, PAUL couldn't adapt to a new app THAT HAS A CIRCUMSTANCE THAT PREVIOUSLY DIDN'T RECOGNIZED BY PAUL.

      For example: PAUL can be used to handle registry entries/files, but we have an app that doesn't store its settings in any of it, thus we need to add some custom code to the script.

      And... in our case we couldn't just add a new custom code, the base of PAUL is also need to be updated.

      You should know that PAUL isn't an AI (Artificial Intelligence) :D It just a mere tool that can only does what it was programmed for. If PAUL was programmed to just handle A, then if PAUL have to handle B, PAUL can't do a thing, nor it can handle C. Thus I need to tell my PAUL to handle B, C, D, E, F, G...

      Hope you could get it (since my English isn't that good) :D

    2. Yeah, no problem. I just thought it might be possible in an easy way, since stuff is present (to some degree I think?) in some files ;)

      I'm not good with NSIS, so I have no idea how to create stuff on my own. The only thing I pretty much do is copy and paste and edit stuff here and there. That's all I do and that surprisingly works on most programs I've tested, haha.

      Well, let's see what you can come up with in the future. I'm waiting for Nitro Pro, so I can hopefully learn a thing or two.

  4. How would i call regsvr32 for in script?

    1. RegDLL "path_to_file"

      Or for 64-bit binary:
      ExecWait `"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s "path_to_file"`

      where path_to_file is:

  5. Error in script this is what i have !macro Library ;{{{1
    ExecWait `"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s "$AppDirectory/madVR/"`
    ExecWait `"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s "$AppDirectory/ffdshow/"`
    ExecWait `"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s "$AppDirectory/ReClock/ReClock.dll"`
    ExecWait `"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s /u "$AppDirectory/madVR/"`
    ExecWait `"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s /u "$AppDirectory/ffdshow/"`
    ExecWait `"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s /u "$AppDirectory/ReClock/ReClock.dll"`

    1. You're wrong, should be:

      ExecWait `"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s "$AppDirectory/madVR/"`
      ExecWait `"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s "$AppDirectory/ffdshow/"`
      ExecWait `"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s "$AppDirectory/ReClock/ReClock.dll"`
      ExecWait `"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s /u "$AppDirectory/madVR/"`
      ExecWait `"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s /u "$AppDirectory/ffdshow/"`
      ExecWait `"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s /u "$AppDirectory/ReClock/ReClock.dll"`

  6. Well I've tried Custom & Library with that script to register Regsvr32 nothing works maybe it needs admin right's some how...thanks for the try Azure MPC-BE can suck a fat 1!

    1. If the DLL or AX file registered in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID, then you must uncomment:
      ;!define RUNASADMIN
      !define RUNASADMIN

      but if it registered in HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID, you don't need administrator privileges.

  7. That doesn't do anything here's the .bat @cd /d "%~dp0"
    @regsvr32.exe /s
    @if not errorlevel 0 goto error
    @if not exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\cmd.exe" goto success
    @regsvr32.exe /s cant i just ExecWait on start and ExecWait on exit for that some how?


    1. I don't really get what you are trying to do.
      If you want to wait, I can portabilize K-Lite Codec Pack that use the same codec file such as AX file so you can learn from it.

  8. I'm trying to launch madVR with MPC-HC with admin right's...ffdshow reclock and XySubFilter register at launch madVR doesn't per the instructions you have detailed ... but if you're doing the K-Lite Codec project i can wait...maybe a script generator would be helpful.

  9. Hi Azure, excuse me if I post here. Your PAF versions of Advanced SystemCare and Tuneup Utilities are works of art, but outdated. Can you update, please? thanks, bye.

  10. Hey Azure, I know you already "quit" making portables, but is there a chance you update PAUL and the template in the near future ?

  11. Hi Azure, could you please provide a mirror for the download link? is not working properly. I'm trying to download PAUL_1.0.5_en-US.paf.exe with: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge ... and nothing. Thank you very much.

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